Ronn Perea Book Signing
Ronn Perea signs his historical novel "Elsie and Elsa" and his fictional memoir "How I Got My Kicks on Route 66".
Nasario Garcia Reading & Book Signing
Author & folklorist Nasario Garcia reads and signs his latest bilingual children's book "Clarita's Clay Plot: A Story of Friendship".
Cindy Sloan Butts Book Signing
Cindy Sloan Butts signs her latest Holocaust historical novel "Versailles, Vichy, and le Vélodrome d’Hiver: France and the Holocaust".
Baker H. Morrow Reading & Book Signing
Baker H. Morrow reads and signs his collection of short stories "The Horse on the Sidewalk" .
Victoria Medina Baker
Victoria Medina Baker signs her latest novel "Way of the Canyon".
RJ the Story Guy Book Signing
RJ The Story Guy (RJ Mirabal) signs the 3rd book in his Dragon Train Quest series, "Dragon Train War" .
Ron Perea Book Signing
Ronn Perea signs his historical novel "Elsie and Elsa" and his fictional memoir "How I Got My Kicks on Route 66" .
James C. Wilson Book Signing
James C. Wilson sings his two latest Fernado Lopez Santa Fe mysteries "A Death Demanded" and "Stealing the Hopi Snake Dance" .
JL Greger Book Signing
JL Greger signs her latest Sara Almquist Science Traveler mystery, "Crazy Like a Goat" .
Cindy Sloan Butts Book Signing
Cindy Sloan Butts signs Book One of her Madera Mysteries series, "Bracelets and Bravery".
Irene Blea Reading & Book Signing
Irene I. Blea reads and signs her new memoir "Talking with Rudy: Platicando con Rudolfo Anaya"'