
DATIL: A Hidden History of an Historic New Mexico Town Book #2


History buff? This Book 2 of DATIL A Hidden History … shares more of the stories of an historic New Mexico town.

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Native Americans were the first inhabitants of the Datil area. Then Hispanics, many of whom were sheep herders, then the white man, and their presence changed the Datil area. They ranched. They built houses and stores and gas stations and lodging facilities.

In the first few decades of the 1900s, Datil was a hoppin’ little community, miles from anywhere. At one time, it was a stop on the famous Magdalena Livestock Driveway, over which thousands of cattle and sheep were taken to the railhead in Magdalena. Today, it’s hardly a stop at all unless one visits the Eagle Guest Ranch to fuel up, dine, or buy a bag of chips. Datil has lost its luster. This book describes to the reader a community that once could brag about itself but today is like many locales that dot the American West, less than they once were.

Additional information

Weight 12.6 oz
Dimensions 5.5 × .64 × 8.5 in