
Rosalie Rayburn Reading & Book Signing

Rosalie Rayburn reads & signs the latest in her Digger Doyle mystery series "The Sunshine Solution". The Sunshine Solution is a sequel to The Power of Rain which introduced readers to Elizabeth "Digger" Doyle a young investigative reporter who earned her nickname by exposing the shady secrets of politicians in the fictional Southwest city of […]

Manfred Leuthard Reading & Book Signing

+Manfred Leuthard reads & signs his thriller novel "Broken Arrow: A Nuke Goes Missing". This thriller is about the theft of a nuclear weapons component from the Los Alamos National Laboratory in order to offer it for sale to the highest bidder. It reveals a complex plot, allowing the reader to be the only one […]

Cindy Sloan Butts Book Signing

Cindy Sloan Butts signs the 2nd in her Derek Taylor Mysteries series, "The Roadrunners and the Runaways of Roswell" .

E. Joe Brown Reading & Book Signing

Charlie's dream of starting his own oil company becomes a reality, and Susan takes over the leadership of the Kramer Group, but tragedy soon follows triumph. 

J.L. Greger Book Signing

Sara Almquist, an FBI scientific consultant, investigates the murder of a young man near a historic cave in New Mexico.

Wendy Cohan Reading & Book Signing

When Paige Crawley hooks up with Renaissance musician Ed Barrett, one night of frolic leads to a detour she never expected. 

Rachel Bate Book Signing

Rachel Bate signs her new children's book "Hatch Chile Willie". After working all day in his special hatch Chile Greenhouse, Farmer Pablo relaxes on his rocking chair. His eyes are closed and he begins to drift off to sleep when suddenly, he is startled by beautiful Spanish music and a reddish-green light. Follow along to […]

Chris Allen & Patricia Walkow Reading & Book Signing

Jennifer Murphy, deputy sheriff in a small town in New Mexico, has closed her heart to love. What happens at Alchemy will change Jen’s life forever, but will it open her heart to love?

Ron Perea Book Signing

During the mid-20th Century, many historical events occurred in the American Southwest that shaped the lives of many families. This story brings to light those events and the people that changed the course of history.