
Rosalie Rayburn Reading & Book Signing

Rosalie Rayburn reads & signs the latest in her Digger Doyle mystery series "The Sunshine Solution". The Sunshine Solution is a sequel to The Power of Rain which introduced readers to Elizabeth "Digger" Doyle a young investigative reporter who earned her nickname by exposing the shady secrets of politicians in the fictional Southwest city of […]

Manfred Leuthard Reading & Book Signing

+Manfred Leuthard reads & signs his thriller novel "Broken Arrow: A Nuke Goes Missing". This thriller is about the theft of a nuclear weapons component from the Los Alamos National Laboratory in order to offer it for sale to the highest bidder. It reveals a complex plot, allowing the reader to be the only one […]

Cindy Sloan Butts Book Signing

Cindy Sloan Butts signs the 2nd in her Derek Taylor Mysteries series, "The Roadrunners and the Runaways of Roswell" .